Legacies builds a virtual world with CBS-VFX
Continuing the tradition of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, the story of the next generation of supernatural beings at The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted.
Covington Square is a key location that appears in many episodes. Production decided, to alleviate the burden of having to return to that location, they would opt to build a permanent virtual set on the stage. CBS-VFX’s expertise in virtual production was called into action and volumetrically captured the actual location and build an exact 3-D replica. The buildings we constructed one brick at a time, with trees that move in the wind, streetlights that reflect onto curbs and cars that drive down the street.and built. The final result is an everlasting virtual environment that allows production the versatility to shoot anytime of day regardless of weather or scheduling logistics.
In one episode, the pristine city square needed to be demolished parts and apply different lighting conditions. As seen below the transformation from normal to an aftermath.
The dark underworld of Legacies with Vampires and supernatural powers is what makes Legacies a stunning visual feast for the audience. The demand for these types of environments under tight production timelines would have been impossible to achieve without the advantages of virtual production.